Rains of barrels are good means for gathering and preservation of rain water. Use rain pursues flanks two aims: reductions of expenses on water consumption, and also in deficiency of the water.
In the form rain barrels of three kinds are issued: round, rectangular and decorative. It is offered on a choice to 40 models of the various barrels differing among themselves: the form, in size, colour and appearance.
Rain barrels have capacity from 100 to 2,000 litres. All barrels are made of ecologically pure and reliable material. Each tank has the plastic crane, which is used for filling of a jug by water, and those tanks, which are placed directly on the earth (without a support), also have the bottom system of a fence of water, to which by means of a connecting collar with an external carving it is possible to connect a hose then to use rain water for watering of a lawn or car washing.
Rain barrels it is economical

Also there is a connection possibility to the tank the electric pump; in that case by means of a hose connected to the bottom system of a fence of water, it is possible to swing rain water, for example, for watering of trees in a garden. Rain harvesting can be used also in the garden purposes, and also for putting in order in the house and on a kitchen garden.
Rain barrels place on supports (round), or is direct on the earth, and by means of the connecting device are connected to a catchment basin or the filter which has been built in in a water pipe.
Rain barrels during the winter period

Land tanks can be used during the vesenne-autumn period. Rain water barrels cannot be used during winter time as the barrel can deteriorate from freezing water (depending on a climatic site).
In the end of autumn, namely, with approach of the first frosts, the tank is necessary for emptying, clearing of pollution and to disconnect from a catchment basin or the filter. Not heavy barrels can be placed for the winter in a premise, and big to leave in the street, densely having closed. Rain barrels for sale — buy only from the recommended manufacturers.